Thursday, September 24, 2009


. In reading the article of the New York times (the SpeakUP article to be precise) it was initially difficult to understand how any of it was relevant. As I continued to read, however, I began to realize how interesting these observations were. It surprises me to think that no one has tried to point out any such observation before.
. It is fascinating to see the accidental connections between different articles on each news page. Some connections seem to help the articles be more convincing with their subliminal connotations, and others make very obvious contradictions that are often quite amusing.

. Blecker is an artist who was fascinated with this observation which was duly duly noted first by Laura Field. Blecker made an interesting observation when commenting about his work:

“...That’s what all artists whisper beneath their work. It’s a mark you make that you want to leave on the world. It’s what you want to be thought of, and your work represents you. It is you when you’re not you anymore. When you’re gone.”

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