Friday, October 16, 2009

CD&F update october 12-16

This week was spent on continuing our understanding of certain different visual concepts. During the continuation of the project that had begun in the previous week - where we were instructed to create digital, photographic imagery of our 3D letter form - I finally became considerably more acquainted with these many different ideas.

Despite how much time I spent thinking about how to make a three dimensional letter form convey the idea of transparency, or minimal detection was something of a challenge. My particular 3D letter form had it's own certain hinderances which became problematic as it inevitably lacks some dimensionality. However, getting feedback from the critique this friday helped me almost completely understand the idea of these concepts. As a result, I now feel a good deal more confident as I make my final iterations for my accordion book.

a: first image - the complete letter form
b: balance - stability
c: balance - instability




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