Thursday, March 31, 2011

furthering my questions

So, just to clarify, I am working with typography in space. With emphasis on motion.

I did some extra research with motion typography in space: (they are ranked in order of physical and digital typography in space).

I have all my previous research on my blog:

As i see it, the digital typography that you see in these could looked at as being physical typography in space. if that makes sense:


digital: (toward the end) (toward the end)

These are the questions that I have come up with: I have made the distinction of physical or digital typography within each question


motion type in space:

.How could animating physical letterforms (with stop motion or any similar technique) in space give a simple narrative. kind of like this:

How could adding only subtle motion of the letterforms ad meaning to the typography.

.How would you read letterforms in space that moved themselves (with a motor or wind or something).

***How could the physical letterforms be perceived differently when the background image (not environment) behind them is periodically changed (the background image in this case would be moving).

—static type in space:
How can the light in the space effect the legibility of the typography.

How can I make an image of letterforms in space interact with the human form.

How can I make an image of digital letterforms believable in the space.

How could different environments effect the same physical letterforms.

***I've already been working on the starred one.

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