Thursday, March 11, 2010

EVOLUTION of the colored icon

I began choosing the colors from the pictures that I had collected. (refer to earlier post)

By Doing so, I was able to narrow my colors down to three different hues:

rusty or aged browns
aged rich greens/light greens
pale blue
bright pale yellow that is very high in value = a warmer color that works well with the green blue or brown.


I then Began to apply various colors onto my icons. At first I made a point of not ruling any colors out - I tried many different things. Here's an example:



Three color:

I DID ADDITIONAL EXPERIMENTATION with my palette in order to be sure that I was not missing anything:

.SOON i refined my palette to colors that had more appropriate connotations for my theme (being nature and a climber in the Swiss Alps).

.I tried using colors like these to get an aged look but by making the saturation very low and the value high - which is part of what i need to make more muddy colors and colors... but I came up with some pretty boring color schemes. I then realized the importance of using at least one vibrant color

.I Edited and refined my colors in order to eventually come to a decision as to which colors I should use. I needed at least one color that had more saturation. It seemed most appropriate that that color should be on the outline of the icon - so as to not bee too dominant.

Finally I got to this:

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