Thursday, March 11, 2010

PROJECT 3 process (PART 3)

I THEN TOOK PHOTOS OF FOR EACH IMAGE. these are the ones that I proposed at the mid process crit:

.It soon became clear that my images were not communicating well enough - some were to ambiguous and they didn't work well together as a set.

A solution that I decided upon therefore was to introduce the apposing vice for each virtue that I was thus far trying to communicate. Sooooo I came up with some thumbnails:

Here's the link for the virtues and their apposing vices:

And finally my final photos (REFFER TO LATER POST: PROJECT 3 FINAL IMAGES)


I learned in this project more than ever how difficult developing an idea can be. This was an especially challenging project. It was difficult to find a way to clearly communicate each vice and virtue and make sure that the set worked as a whole.
So in my process I had to make sure that I had more ideas than one at hand and I had to be sure not to get attached to any one idea - because for whatever reason it would very likely have to go. However I realized that in developing several ideas simultaneously I was able to find a sprig of inspiration that could be used in another idea.

I also had to be sure to use a proper method of managing my files - and to for the sake of iteration and options to take more that one photograph of the same thing (in different ways):

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